Loyola Support Documentation

How do I add and remove users in my Listserv? 

Updated on

To subscribe users to your Listserv:

Login and select Mass subscribe from the Mass Operations menu.

Mass subscribe

Enter user email addresses.

Mass subscription text box

Enter each email in a vertical list as shown above.

Select Options.

pre confirm, pre approved

Choose which options to include:

  1. Pre confirm - If checked, users will not have to confirm their subscription.
  2. Pre approved - If checked, moderators will not have to approve the subscription request.
  3. Pre Verified - If checked, users will not have to verify that their email address is valid.
  4. Invitation - If checked, the other checkboxes are ignored and the users will be sent an invitation to join the list and will be subscribed upon acceptance thereof.
  5. Send welcome message - If set to "yes" or "no", List's default setting will be ignored and a welcome message will/not be sent depending on choice.

Select Subscribe users.

Subscribe users

Click on the Subscribe users button.

To remove users from your Listserv:

Login and select Mass removal from the Mass Operations menu.

Mass removal

Enter user email addresses.

Mass removal

Enter each email in a vertical list as shown above.

Select Remove listed users or Remove All members.

Remove listed users
Remove all members

Choose Remove listed users to unsubscribe the members entered or select Remove all members to unsubscribe all members from the listserv.

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