Loyola Support Documentation

How do I delete items on a Lessons page?

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Instructors can delete items added to a Lessons page using the Delete icon, the Edit option, or the Reorder option. 

Go to Lessons.

If you titled your page something other than Lessons, select the title of the page as it appears in your Tool Menu.

To delete an item using the Delete icon:

Click on the trashcan (Delete) icon for the item you want to delete.

Confirm deletion.

Click Delete to confirm the deletion.

To delete an item using the Edit option:

Click Edit.

Click Delete.

This returns the display to the Lessons page with the item deleted.

To delete an item using the Reorder option:

Click Reorder.

This displays the reorder list of items added to the Lessons page.

Click the trash can icon located to the right of the item.

This removes the item from the Lessons page list of items.

Note: You may also drag items over to the right to delete them.

Click Save.

Saving returns the display to the Lessons page with the item removed.

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