Go to Drop Box.
Select Drop Box from the Tool Menu of your site.
Select Upload files to multiple Drop Box folders.
Select the file to be uploaded.
- Select Choose File to browse for and locate the file on your device.
- Optionally, edit the file's Display Name.
Select the destination folders for your file.
- Select groups or single users in the Available users list.
- Move selections to the Selected users list using the move icons:
- Single right-facing arrow (Move selected): move only the selections from Available users to Selected users.
- Double right-facing arrow (Move all): move all groups and users from Available users to Selected users.
- Single left-facing arrow (Move selected): move the selections from Selected users to Available users.
- Double right-facing arrow (Move all): move all groups and users from Selected users to Available users.
- Groups in the Selected users list will become the recipients of the file.
Email notification. (Optional)
Optionally activate Send an email notification to the student to send a notification to recipients' system email.