Loyola Support Documentation

How do I release assignment grades?

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If you have graded an assignment but chosen to not release grades and feedback, students will not be able to view the information until you use the Release Grades option in Assignments.

Go to Assignments.

Assignments button on Tool Menu

Select Assignments from the site Tool Menu.

Image of assignment list with Grade link called out

Select the Grade link associated with an assignment.

Select Release Grades.

Image of the Release Grades button

On Assignment submissions page, select link Release Grades.

Verify the released grades.

Image of assignments showing released items

Grades that have been released will display a value of Returned (or Resubmission Allowed) in the Status column and will display a checkmark in the Released column.

Note: Release Grades will not release grading and feedback to students that have not yet received any grading and feedback.

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