Loyola Support Documentation

How do I embed a YouTube video in a text box?

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Locate the YouTube video to embed in a text box.

Select Share.

YouTube video of BTS "Idol" with Share button called out

The YouTube sharing panel will appear.

Select Embed.

YouTube Share dialog panel with Embed button called out

The YouTube video embed code will appear in the text field.

Copy the embed code.

YouTube share panel with embed code highlighted and Copy button called out

Copy the YouTube embed code to your computer clipboard using the Copy button or use a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + C for PC or Command + C for Mac).

Tip: Specify when to begin video playback by selecting the checkbox and typing a playback moment.

In the text box, select Source.

RTE text box with Source button called out

This displays the HTML code for the text box.

Position the cursor.

RTE text box with embed code input in Source

Position your cursor where to embed the video, then paste the YouTube embed code (Ctrl + V for PC or Command + V for Mac).

Select Source again.

IFRAME placeholder in RTE text editor with Source called out

This returns the text box display to normal editing mode. The embedded YouTube video will display as a box marked IFRAME. When the item using the text box is posted or saved, the embedded YouTube video will display.

Select Save.

Select Save to view the embedded YouTube video.

Embedded YouTube video in Rich Text Editor box.

Embedded YouTube video in RTE box.
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