Loyola Support Documentation

How do I create a link to an activity in a text box?

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Tip: If you are creating a text box in the Lessons tool, you may also insert activities directly as individual items on the page, rather than within the Rich Text Editor. See How do I add assignments to Lessons? for more information.

Select the text to be linked.

In the text box, select the text to serve as a link to the activity. For accessibility, use meaningful text to link to the activity.

The Link button looks like a chainlink.

Alternatively, open the Link dialog box with the keyboard command Ctrl + L (in Windows) or Command + L (on a Mac).

Select Browse Server.

The Link dialog box will appear. Select button Browse Server.

The Server Browser will appear in a pop-up window. If any items are available in tools such as Discussions, Assignments, or Tests & Quizzes, they will be displayed in the Server Browser.

Double-click the name of a tool to expand the list of items available in that tool, for example, Discussions.

  1. Select the activity to highlight it.
  2. Select OK button.

The Link dialog box will display the URL of the activity in the URL box.

  1. Select OK to create the link.
  2. The text linked to the activity will be underlined.
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