Loyola Support Documentation

How do students access a Labster simulation through Lessons?

Updated on

Instructors may configure Labster simulations through Sakai Assignments or Sakai Lessons (adding Labster via Lessons is highly recommended). Follow these instructions to access a Labster simulation through Lessons.

Select Lessons.

select Lessons

In the target Sakai site, select a Lessons tool page containing a Labster simulation link.

Note: The course instructor may have renamed the Lessons tool, or there may be multiple Lessons tools in the course.

Select a simulation.

select a simulation link

Select the title of the Labster simulation.

Select Play.

select Play

Select Play to begin loading the simulation.

Simulation loads.

Simulation loads in a new tab

The Labster simulation will open in a new browser tab. Allow the simulation several minutes to load, and do not navigate away from the tab while the simulation loads.

Select Start.

Select Start

After the Labster simulation has fully loaded, select Start. To leave the simulation at any time, use the Escape (Esc) key. Progress is automatically saved.

Tip: To access technical support at any point while using Labster, select the blue chat icon to begin a support chat.

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