Loyola Support Documentation

How do I paste text from a Microsoft Word document to a text box?

Updated on

Note: In the most recent version of the Rich Text Editor, Word-specific tags are removed automatically when copied text is pasted into the editor.

Copy the text from Word.

Microsoft Word file with Copy button called out

Copy the text from the Microsoft Word document to your computer's clipboard by selecting the text and using the Copy button in the file pane.  Alternatively, use keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C for PC or Command + C for Mac.

In the Rich Text Editor, paste the text.

RTE box with cursor

Place your cursor where to paste the text. Paste copied text using the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + V for PC or Command + V for Mac.

View Word content in the editor.

The pasted content will now appear in the Rich Text Editor. The pasted text can be edited to display desired formatting using the Rich Text Editor controls.

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