Loyola Support Documentation

How do I grade an assignment using a rubric in the legacy grading interface?

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This article describes how to grade an assignment with a rubric using the legacy grading interface. For instructions on grading using the new grader interface, see How do I grade an assignment using a rubric?.

Go to Assignments.

select assignments

Select the Assignments tool from the Tool Menu in your site.

Select the assignment to grade.

Select Grade

Click the Grade option associated with an assignment.

Uncheck the box next to Use new Grader to grade submissions.

Image indicating the location of the Use new Grader to grade submissions checkbox.

Uncheck Use Sakai Grader to grade submissions, which is activated by default.

Select a student to grade.

Image of the grade student page in assignments

Select a student to grade by clicking on their ID in the Student column.

Click the Grading Rubric tab.

Select Grading Rubric

Enter grading and feedback.

Image of the rubric grading area. Usage of selections in each criterion as well as comments are depicted.
  1. Click one item per rubric criterion.
  2. Optionally enter comments about your selection within each criterion. Click Done to save the comments.
  3. The points will be added up automatically based on your rating selections. The total points earned will appear in the Grade field below the rubric.

Save the score and feedback.

Select save options
  1. Click Save and Don't Release to Student to save the grade and feedback. This option does not release the grade to the student.
  2. Or, click Save and Release to Student to immediately release the grade and feedback to the student.

Tip: Some instructors prefer to release all of the grades and feedback at one time after they have finished entering grades for the entire class. See How do I release assignment grades? for more information about releasing all grades and feedback at one time.

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