Loyola Support Documentation

How do I create a template in the Evaluation System tool?

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Select Add Template.

Add template

Select Add Template in the top right area of the tool.

Enter title and description.

Edit template title and description
  1. Enter a title for the template.
  2. Enter a description for the template.
  3. When finished, select Save.

Add Items to template.

Add template items
  1. To add items to the template, use the dropdown menu to choose an item type.
  2. Then, select Add.
Rating scale
Rating Scale
  1. Item text: Use this section for the question text.
  2. Scale - Select the scale for the question from the dropdown menu (e.g., Unsatisfactory, Inadequate, Adequate, Good, Excellent)
  3. Display Settings - Use this section to configure how an item appears to evaluation recipients:
    • Scale Display Setting can be Compact, Compact Colored, Full, Full Colored, and many other options. Select boxes for "N/A" (not applicable), include a comment box, and make the question compulsory.
    • For Category, choose whether to make this question for a Group/Course (for evaluating a course) or Evaluatee/Instructor (for evaluating an instructor)
  4. Select Save Item.
Multiple choice
Multiple choice
  1. Item Text: Enter question text here.
  2. Enter choices: Enter and Add/Remove choices by selecting Add Scale Point (to add) or Remove (to remove).
  3. Display Settings: Configure display settings using the Scale Display Setting menu, checkboxes, and category.
  4. Select Save Item.
Multiple answer
multiple answer
  1. Item Text: Enter question text here.
  2. Enter choices: Enter and Add/Remove choices by selecting Add Scale Point (to add) or Remove (to remove).
  3. Display Settings: Configure display settings using the Scale Display Setting menu, check oxes, and category.
  4. Select Save Item.
Free text/essay question
essay question
  1. Item Text: Enter the question text.
  2. Display Settings: Choose response size from the dropdown menu and select the category.
  3. Select Save Item.
Text header
text header

Use this option to add a header to the evaluation.

  1. Enter text in the Item Text fiel.
  2. Choose a category.
  3. Select Save Item.

To include pre-existing questions:

  1. Use the search box to locate them and/or check the checkboxes next to the question(s).
  2. Then, select Insert Items.
Expert items

Select a category of questions to use in the evaluation (e.g., Assignments, Exams, General, etc.).

Select the items.

Expert category assignments
  1. After selecting a category (e.g., Assignments), check the checkboxes next to the question(s) to include.
  2. Then, select Insert Items.

Create Evaluation

After creating creating a template, use the template to create an evaluation.

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