Loyola Support Documentation

How do I pin or unpin sites?

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Pinned sites appear in the Pinned sites area of the Tool Menu in any site. Select a pinned site to access it quickly from any context.

You may pin/unpin sites in a few different ways.

Note: New sites are automatically pinned when you are enrolled in the site.

Pinning a site

Select the Sites Drawer.

sites drawer in global navigation

In the header area of the page, select the Sites Drawer icon (View All Sites).

Alternatively, access the Sites Drawer from the Tool Menu.

sites drawer icon at the bottom of the page

You can also find View all my sites in the bottom left in the Tool Menu.

Select an unfilled pin.

select an unfilled pin icon

Hover over the site or term you'd like to pin and select the unfilled pin icon that appears.

  • Select the small pin icon next to the site title (Toggle as a pinned site) to pin a single site.
  • Select the large pin icon next to the term title (Toggle as pinned all sites) to pin all sites in that term.

Pin icon changes.

the pin icon is solid black

The pin icon will change to filled to indicate that it is now pinned.

Refresh the page.

select "Reload"

Refresh the page to load the changes to pinned sites in the left Tool Menu. Select the Reload link in the message that appears on the screen above your list of sites to refresh or reload the page.

You may also refresh the page by doing the following:

  • On your keyboard, type CTRL+R or Command+R.

Verify the pinned sites in the left Tool Menu.

pinned sites will appear in the tool menu

The sites will appear in the Pinned Sites area of the Tool Menu. Select a pinned site to access it.

You may also pin a site directly in the Tool Menu.

select the pin next to a site name to pin it

Hover over the site you would like to pin and select the unfilled pin icon that appears.

Unpinning a site

Select the Sites Drawer.

select the Sites Drawer

In the header area of the page, select the Sites Drawer icon (View All Sites).

Select the filled pin icon associated with a pinned site or term that you would like to unpin.

select the filled pin icon
  • Select the small pin icon next to the site title (Toggle as a pinned site) to unpin a single site.
  • Select the large pin icon next to the term title (Toggle as pinned all sites) to unpin all sites in that term.

The site or term is now unpinned.

the pin icon disappears next to the site title

The filled pins will disappear, indicating that the sites are no longer pinned.

You may also unpin a site directly in the Tool Menu.

select the pin icon to unpin a site

Select the filled pin icon to unpin the site.

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