Loyola Support Documentation

How do I embed a linked web image in a text box?

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Right-click menu on image on webpage

Locate the image on the web to embed.

Right-click the image (PC) or Ctrl + click (Mac) the image and copy the image URL to your computer clipboard. For a keyboard shortcut to copy the image, use Ctrl + C (PC) or Command + C (Mac).

Position the cursor.

RTE text box with cursor

Position your cursor in the text box at the point to embed the web linked image.

Select Insert/Edit Image button.

RTE text box with Insert/Edit image button called out.

Select the Insert/Edit image button, which looks like a tiny photo icon. The Image Properties dialog box will appear.

Paste the URL.

Paste the copied link into the box marked URL. Use Ctrl + V (PC) or Command + V (Mac).

Modify image properties. (Optional)

Adjust the image width and height as desired and add alternative text for screen readers.

Set alignment. (Optional)

Set the Alignment (left, right, or center) for the image.

Select OK.

This returns the display to the text box with the embedded linked image.

Example of left aligned image below text.

Left aligned image in RTE box
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