Loyola Support Documentation

How do I exclude a grade for a specific student?

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Use Excuse/Include Grade exclude a student grade for a specific Gradebook item or component of the course. This is a helpful method of not penalizing students who have been excused from an assignment. An item can be added back in the grade calculation by again selecting Excuse/Include Grade from the cell's dropdown menu.

Go to Gradebook.

Image of Gradebook button.

Select Gradebook from the siteTool Menu.

Select the arrow icon and then Excuse/Include Grade.

Image of Excuse/Include Grade option


  1. Select the arrow icon to reveal dropdown menu.
  2. Select option Excuse/Include Grade.

Verify the excluded grade.

Image of excused grade

A calculator icon (Grade has been excluded from grade calculations) will appear in the affected cell, and if there is a score, the score will appear with strikethrough, indicating that the score is not being calculated in the student's course grade.

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