Loyola Support Documentation

How do I view and print a summary of individual student grades?

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Use the Grade Summary to view all scores for an individual student or to retrieve a printable summary of scores for an individual student.  

Enter Student Review Mode to view scores confidentially while sharing a Gradebook display with a student on the same device.

Go to Gradebook.

Image of Gradebook button.

Select Gradebook from the site Tool Menu.

Select a student.

Select a student name in the Students column.

Review the Grade Summary.

Grade Summary view


  1. View the student's current Course Grade and scores for individual items in the Grade column.
  2. (Optional) Select Next Student to navigate to the Grade Summary for the next student.

Switch to Student Review Mode.

Grade Summary tab for Student Review Mode called out

If you would like to confidentially discuss the individual grade summary with a student, select Student Review Mode. This option blurs the background so that other students' information is not visible to the student viewing the screen.

Image of Student Review Mode.

Select Done to leave Student Review Mode.

Printing individual student grades.

Student Grade Summary with Print button called out

Select Print to print an individual student Grade Summary.

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