This article describes how to grade an assignment using the legacy grading interface. For instructions on grading using the new grader interface, see How do I grade an assignment?
Go to Assignments.

Select the Assignments tool from the site Tool Menu.
Select the assignment to grade.
Select the Grade link associated with an assignment.
Note: If a grading scale was not configured for the assignment, View Submissions will be displayed rather than Grade.
Uncheck the box next to Use new Grader to grade submissions.
Uncheck Use Sakai Grader to grade submissions, which is selected by default.
View the student's submission.
- The student's inline submission displays in the Rich Text Editor.
- The student's submitted attachment(s) are available in the Submitted Attachments area. Select the file link(s) to open or download them.
Enter grade.

Enter the score for the submission in the Grade field. The maximum available points display next to the Grade field..
Or, grade with a rubric.
- If you've attached a rubric the assignment, select the Grading Rubric tab to open the rubric grading area.
- Select one tile per rubric criterion.
- (Optional) Enter comments within each criterion by selecting the speech bubble.
- Type the comment and select Done to save.
Enter instructor comments.
Using the Rich Text Editor, enter comments in the Instructor Summary Comments section.
Add a feedback attachment. (Optional)

To add a file attachment as part of feedback that will be available to the student, select button Add Attachments to locate and attach a file from your device.
Allow resubmissions.

To allow the student to resubmit the assignment, check the Allow Resubmission box and specify the number of resubmissions allowed and the date until which they will be accepted.
Note: If you allowed resubmissions on the assignment when you created it, this information will be prepopulated with the default resubmission information for this assignment. Override the default resubmission settings for an individual student by changing the information in the Allow Resubmission area.
Save the score and feedback.

- Select Save and Don't Release to Student to save the grade and feedback. This option does not release the grade to the student.
- Or, select Save and Release to Student to immediately release the grade and feedback to the student.
Tip: Some instructors prefer to release all of the grades and feedback at one time after they have finished entering grades for the entire class. See How do I release assignment grades? for more information about releasing all grades and feedback at one time.
Navigate to other submissions. (Optional)
Use the Navigate Submissions area to navigate to other student submissions.
- Select Next Ungraded to navigate to the next submission in the sequence with no feedback, or select Next to navigate to the next submission in the sequence regardless of feedback.
- Select Previous Ungraded to navigate to the previous submission in the sequence with no feedback, or select Previous to navigate to the previous submission in the sequence regardless of feedback.
- Select Navigate between students with submissions only to cause navigation to include only students with submissions to this assignment.