Loyola Support Documentation

How do I message students from Gradebook?

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From the context of Gradebook, use Message Students to send a brief message to students about a Gradebook item.

Go to Gradebook.

the Gradebook tool in the site tool menu

Select Gradebook from the Tool Menu of your site.

Select the caret icon and then choose Message Students.

Image of Set Score For empty cells button in gradebook.
  1. Select the caret icon (Open menu).
  2. Choose Message Students from the dropdown menu.

Draft a message and send.

message students dialog box with a message drafted
  1. Enter a subject in the Subject field.
  2. Enter the body of the message in the Message field.
  3. Select recipients in the Who do you want to message? menu. Choose from Ungraded students, Graded students, or All students. If you've selected Graded students, optionally enter a Min score or Max score to further filter recipients.
  4. Filter recipients using the Only students in a group? menu. Choose from Site, site groups, or sections that are available in the site.
  5. Select Show Recipients to preview the names of recipients of the message.
  6. Select Send.
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