- When manually entering a course grade, use the appropriate grade type for the Gradebook schema you have selected. For example, if the course is graded on a simple letter grade scale, enter the letters A, B, C, D, F as well as + (plus sign) or - (minus sign) to the letter grade. If the course is graded on a Pass/Not pass scale, enter the letters P or N.
- If a numeric value for the override is entered, the value will be mapped to the letter grade scale. For example, if the letter grade scale is set so the minimum % for an A grade is 95, then entering a numerical value of 97 will be mapped to 95%.
Go to Gradebook.

Select Gradebook from the site Tool Menu.
Select the down arrow and then select Course Grade Override.

- Select the arrow icon to reveal dropdown menu.
- Select Course Grade Override.
Enter override score and save.

- Enter a new course grade in the Grade Override field.
- Select Save Course Grade Override.