Loyola Support Documentation

How do I override a course grade in Gradebook?

Updated on


  • When manually entering a course grade, use the appropriate grade type for the Gradebook schema you have selected. For example, if the course is graded on a simple letter grade scale, enter the letters A, B, C, D, F  as well as +  (plus sign) or  -  (minus sign) to the letter grade. If the course is graded on a Pass/Not pass scale, enter the letters P or N.
  • If a numeric value for the override is entered, the value will be mapped to the letter grade scale. For example, if the letter grade scale is set so the minimum % for an A grade is 95, then entering a numerical value of 97 will be mapped to 95%.

Go to Gradebook.

Image of Gradebook button.

Select Gradebook from the Tool Menu of your site.

Click the down arrow and then select Course Grade Override.

In the Course Grades column, select the down arrow within the cell for the student's grade and choose Course Grade Override.
  1. Click the arrow icon (Open menu).
  2. Select Course Grade Override.

Enter override score and save.

Enter override score and save.
  1. Enter a new course grade in the Grade Override field.
  2. Click Save Course Grade Override.