Gradebook does not include ungraded items in the course grade calculation. This could result in a higher course grade average for a student if they have incomplete items. To include a Gradebook item in the course grade calculation, enter a grade of zero or higher.
To enter zeros for ALL Gradebook items that have not been graded, use Set Zero Score for Empty Cells.
See How do I set empty cells to zero for a single grade item? to take this step for just one item in the Gradebook.
Note. This action cannot be reversed once done, though can you still manually adjust scores in each cell if you discover that you've made an error.
Go to Gradebook.

Select Gradebook from the site Tool Menu.
Select the arrow icon in the Course Grades column and then select Set Zero Score for Empty Cells.

- In the Course Grade column, select the arrow icon in the header cell to reveal dropdown menu.
- Select Set Zero Score for Empty Cells.
Confirm set zero score.

Review the warning and select Update in confirmation dialog to effect zero score in empty cells.
Caution: You cannot undo this action, so be certain that you wish to assign zeros before continuing!