Go to Gradebook.

Select Gradebook from the Tool Menu in your site.
Add or Edit a Gradebook item.
- Select Add Gradebook Item to create a new item.
- Or select the down arrow (Open menu) in the column heading for an existing Gradebook item, and then select Edit Item Details.
Note: If the Gradebook item is locked, it is coming from another tool. You will not be able to associate a rubric with locked items, since they must be graded from within the tool of origin.
Configure the rubric options.

- Select the Use the following rubric to grade this assignment radio button.
- Choose the desired rubric from the drop-down menu.
- (Optional) Activate Adjust individual student scores if you would like to be able to change the number of points awarded for individual criteria ratings while grading student submissions on a per-student basis.
- (Optional) Activate Hide Rubric from student if you do not want students to see the rubric prior to submitting.
- Click Save Changes.
Note: You must have existing rubrics in your site before they will display in the menu. Shared rubrics must first be copied to your site before they will be available for selection.