Loyola Support Documentation

How do I associate a rubric with a Discussions topic?

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To significantly speed up grading for weekly or regular discussions, use a rubric to grade student activity within the Discussions tool.

Go to Gradebook.

Select Gradebook

Select Gradebook from the Tool Menu in your site.

Note: In order to attach a rubric to a Forum or Topic, you must first create a Gradebook item and attach the rubric to that item.

Add a rubric to a Gradebook item.

Select Use the following tubric to grade this assignment

While creating or editing a Gradebook item, select Use the following rubric to grade this assignment to attach a rubric. Click Create or Save Changes.

Go to Discussions.

select discussion tool

Select the Discussions tool from the tool menu of your site.

Add a rubric to a Forum.

Select Forum Settings

Click Forum Settings.

Select Gradebook item
Select Save
  1. In the Grading area, make a selection from Gradebook item. Ensure that you select an item to which you've attached a rubric.
  2. Click Save.

Note: You must have an existing Gradebook item in order to associate the forum topic with that item, and the gradebook item must already have the rubric attached. If there are no existing items, you will need to go to the Gradebook to create the item first.

Image of discussion attached to rubric

The Forum now displays a rubric icon (Preview Rubric), indicating that a rubric is attached.

Add a rubric to a Topic.

Select Topic settings

Click Topic Settings.

Select gradebook item
Select Save
  1. In the Grading area, make a selection from Gradebook item. Ensure that you select an item to which you've attached a rubric.
  2. Click Save.

Note: You must have an existing Gradebook item in order to associate the forum topic with that item, and the gradebook item must already have the rubric attached. If there are no existing items, you will need to go to the Gradebook to create the item first.

image of topic attached to rubric

The Topic now displays a rubric icon (Preview Rubric), indicating that a rubric is attached.

Previous Article How do I associate a rubric with an assignment?
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