Loyola Support Documentation

How do I make topics available to specific groups only?

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Make topics available to specific site groups. An instructor must configure site groups first. By default, instructor and teaching assistant roles will see all group topics, regardless of their group membership.

Go to the Conversations tool.

Select the Conversations tool from the Tool Menu of your site. 

Making a new topic available to specific groups only

Click Create new topic.

Author the topic.

Image of the Add a new Topic area and topic configurations.

See How do I post a topic in Conversations? for the complete steps to posting a new topic.

Configure the Post to options.

  1. In the Post to area, select Only members of selected groups.
  2. Check the boxes of the groups you wish to select.

Click Publish.

Making an existing topic available to selected groups only

Click on a topic.

Image of a post in the conversations area that a user has clicked on.

Click on an existing topic in the conversations area of the page.

Edit the topic.

  1. Click the Topic options menu icon in the topic area.
  2. Click Edit to change the content or settings of the topic. 

Configure the Post to options.

  1. In the Post to area, select Only members of selected groups.
  2. Check the boxes of the groups you wish to select.

Click Publish.

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