Loyola Support Documentation

How do I use emojis in Conversations?

Updated on

Select Conversations.

Image showing the Conversations tool in the Tool Menu.

Select the Conversations tool from the Tool Menu of your site. 

Select a topic, then Add a Reaction.

Image showing the smiley face Emojis icon.

Select a topic in the conversations area of the page. Select the smiley face icon below the post to see available emojis.

Select an emoji.

Image showing available emojis.

Select the emoji that most closely reflects the desired response:

  • Lightbulb emoji - Indicates that you think this is a good idea.
  • Heart emoji - Indicates that you love this post or answer.
  • Key icon - Indicates that you think this idea is key to the topic.

Note: Users may not add an emoji to their own posts.

Emoji displays.

Image showing selected emoji under the post.

The selected emoji display below the post.

Note: To remove an emoji, select the smiley face icon. A set of emojis will appear with the current emoji highlighted. Select the highlighted emoji to remove that icon.


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