Loyola Support Documentation

How do I submit an assignment on behalf of a student?

Updated on

Go to Assignments.

Assignments button in Tool Menu

Select the Assignments tool from the site Tool Menu.

Select Assignments by Student.

Assignments Actions Menu with Assignments by Student tab called out

Select the Assignments by Student tab from the Actions Menu.

Select the student name for the submission.

Image of the Assignments by Student table where it's possible to click on an individual student.

Submit on behalf of Student.

1. Expand the assignment list pertaining to the student by selecting the caret.

2. Select the link Submit on behalf of Student.

Submit the student assignment.

  1. Enter an inline submission in the Assignment Text field (if applicable).
  2. In the Attachments area, select Choose File to browse for and upload the document from your computer.
  3. Select Proceed.

View the submission confirmation message.

Image of the Submission Confirmation message.
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