Turnitin Originality plagiarism checking in Sakai is integrated with the Assignments tool. To enable Turnitin Originality checking on an assignment, check the respective checkbox Use Turnitin in the Add Assignment settings options.
Go to Assignments.
Select Assignments from the site Tool Menu.
Select Add to create a new assignment folder.
Select Add from the Actions Menu to create a new assignment. Alternatively, select the Edit link beneath an assignment title to enable Turnitin for an existing assignment.
Warning: Turnitin must be enabled for an assignment before students submit. Turnitin cannot be enabled retroactively for an assignment that students have already submitted to.
Locate Turnitin settings.
Scroll down to the setting Turnitin Plagiarism Service section of the assignment settings.
Check the checkbox Use Turnitin.
Upon checking the checkbox Use Turnitin, additional options will appear. Generally, the default settings are sufficient, though some instructors opt to Allow students to view report.
Post the assignment.
After reviewing and completing the other necessary assignment folder settings, select Post to publish the assignment folder, or Save Draft to return to the assignment later.