Loyola Support Documentation

What does Unpublished Site mean?

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By default, Sakai sites are Unpublished when first created. This gives instructors or course designers a chance to edit content in the site before it is available to students and other users. Sites will automatically be unpublished after a certain date. See the Sakai Administrative Schedule for unpublishing dates.

Unpublished Site indicator.

unpublished site indicator with "publish now" button

The Unpublished Site indicator means that the site is unavailable to students, tutors, and other user roles (e.g., access) that do not have editing permissions. If the Unpublished Site indicator does not appear, this means that the site has already been published.

Instructors and Teaching Assistants always have access to both published and unpublished courses in which they are enrolled.

Select the Publish Now button to make the site available to all enrolled users.

Note:  A site can be published or unpublished from the Manage Access area in Site Info.

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