Loyola Support Documentation

How do I set up Attendance grading?

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There are two different ways to set up grading for the Attendance tool: (1) manually grade attendance, or (2) automatically grade attendance. Either method will provide one grade for all of the Attendance items, and must be enabled by designating a total point value for all Attendance items.

Select Attendance.

Attendance button

Select the Attendance tool from the site Tool menu.

Select Grading.

Grading attendance action menu

Select Grading from the Actions Menu.

Edit grade settings.

Edit grade settings box

Use arrows or enter numerical value for Total Points Possible. Entering a point value will reveal other grading options.  

total points possible

Allow students to see their grade.

Allow students to see their grade

Check the Allow students to see their grade within this tool checkbox if you want students to see their grade.

Send grades to the Gradebook.

Send grades to the gradebook
  1. Select the Send grades to the Gradebook checkbox to auto-create a Gradebook item for attendance within the Gradebook tool.
  2. Enter a name for the Gradebook item within the Gradebook Item Name text area.

Note: If you choose to do this, you will need to enter grades within the Attendance tool. Doing so will automatically update the scores for the Gradebook item within the Gradebook tool.

Option 1: Manually grade attendance.

Select Manually grade attendance.

Manually grade attendance
  1. Select the radio button next to Manually grade students' attendance.
  2. Select Save Settings.

By choosing this option, you will need to manually grade attendance for each student using the How do I grade attendance items? instructions.

Option 2: Automatically grade attendance.

Select Define rules to automatically grade attendance.

Define attendance grade rules

Select the radio button next to Define rules to automatically grade attendance.

Start with zero points and earn points as they attend class.
start with zero points for attendance

Select the option to Start with zero points and earn points as they attend class.

Note: With this option, students will start with 0 points and gain points as they attend class.

Add Grading Rules.

Add grading rules box
  1. Choose a status from the Status dropdown menu.
  2. Enter a range within the From and Through fields. Example: By entering 1 in the From field and 1 in the Through field, this rule will take effect when students fulfill the status 1 time.
  3. Enter the number of points that will be rewarded or deducted.
  4. Select Add Rule.

Note: After selecting Add Rule, your rule will appear below the Grading Rules heading.

grading rules 2.0 points

When setting up rules, you will need to create rules that allow students to earn points for the classes they attend. Below is an example of what this may look like if you want students to gain points for each class they attend and only receive partial credit for each time they are late. This example is for a course that only has 4 classes with a max of 20 points possible for attendance.

several grading rules
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