Loyola Support Documentation

How do I duplicate a Lessons page?

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Select the Lessons page to duplicate.

Select Lessons

In the target Sakai site, select the Lessons page that you would like to duplicate from the site Tool Menu on the left.

Select More Tools and choose Add More Pages

Select More tools
  1. Select More Tools from the Actions Menu.
  2. Then, choose Add More Pages from the drop-down menu.

Enter a title and check "Make new pages copies..."

Enter Title
  1. Type a title for the new page in the Page Title field.
  2. Check the box labelled "Make new pages copies of the current one."

Select Save.

Select save

Select Save.

The duplicated page will appear at the bottom of the site Tool Menu. To reorder the tools in the Tool Menu, see How do I rearrange or rename the items in the Tool Menu?

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