The Event Log shows certain student activities for all Tests & Quizzes in the site. It is created and maintained automatically.
Events recorded include (for each participant), entry to the assessment (date and time), submission of the assessment (date and time), duration of the student session in minutes, and errors (if any) detected by the T&Q system.
Note: There must be existing student submissions in order for data to appear in the event log.
Go to Tests & Quizzes.

Select Test & Quizzes tool from the site Tool Menu.
Select Event Log.

Viewing event data.
- To view data for a certain test or quiz, use the "Filter" menu to choose its title, or use the default value, "All assessments."
- Search the log data for a certain student by entering the user ID or name in the search field.
- Select a column heading (Title, Name, Entry Date, Date Submitted, Errors) to sort the entries on that data field. Select again to switch between ascending and descending order.