Loyola Support Documentation

How do I download and import a practice exam for Respondus LockDown Browser?

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Prior to administering an exam using Respondus LockDown Browser in your course, we strongly recommend instructors administer a practice exam to ensure an optimal experience for students.

Download practice exam.

Use the link below to download a LockDown Browser Practice Exam to import and administer in your course:

Download link for LockDown Practice Exam

Note: This practice exam is provided for your convenience, but feel free to create your own practice exam instead.

Select Tests & Quizzes.

select Tests & Quizzes

In the target Sakai site, select Tests & Quizzes from the Tool Menu.

Select Add.

select Add

Select Add from the Actions Menu.

Select Import.

select Import

Select Import.

Import the practice exam zip file.

Choose "export from this or other Sakai system"

Follow the steps in How do I import and export assessments? to import the LockDown Practice Exam that you downloaded in step 1.

Warning: When importing the file, be sure to select the radio button option Export from this (or other Sakai) system and not Respondus. Respondus is a vendor with many products, and their core product "Respondus" is different from Respondus LockDown Browser.

Enable LockDown Browser

Follow the steps in How do I enable Respondus LockDown Browser for an assessment? to enable LockDown Browser for the practice test.

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