Loyola Support Documentation

How do I make an item available only at a specific time?

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Users can set the availability of a Resource file or folder to display to site participants at a specific date and time and become hidden at a specific date and time. By default, instructors can view all items in a site regardless of item availability settings.

Select Resources.

Select Resources.

Select the Resources tool from the Tool Menu of your site.

Select Actions, and then select Edit Details.

Select Actions, and then select Edit Details.
  1. Select the Actions dropdown menu associated with a file or folder.
  2. Select Edit Details.

This displays the Edit Details page for the item.

Specify dates.

Specify dates.
  1. Select Availability and Access to expand the options.
  2. Select Show this folder.
  3. Check the box to enable a From date.
  4. Use the calendar icon to select the From date.
  5. Check the box to enable a Until date.
  6. Use the calendar icon to select the Until date.
  7. Select Update.


  • The "Show this item" or "Show this folder" radio button must also be selected.
  • The "From" and "Until" functionality is optional.

View file or folder in Resources.

View file or folder in Resources.

The item displays in Resources as hidden, except during the specified time period.



  • Instructors see hiden Resources items grayed out.
  • If you set a specific date/time for the availability of a folder, all files within the folder automatically have the same availability date/time restrictions.
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