Enabling Respondus LockDown Browser on a test requires modifying the settings of that test. The settings for an assessment are complex and include many options besides LockDown Browser. Only the settings required for LockDown Browser are addressed in this resource.
To modify other necessary assessment settings, see How do I view and modify the settings of an assessment?
Select Tests & Quizzes.
In the target Sakai course, select Tests & Quizzes from the Tool Menu.
Edit the test tettings
Select Settings.
- Select the Actions dropdown menu for the test to be edited.
- From the menu, choose Settings.
Warning: Though you may edit a published copy of an assessment, this is not recommended because modifying settings for a test in progress may cause the loss of student data.
Select Security and Proctoring.
The LockDown Browser settings are located in the Settings section Security and Proctoring. Select the bar to expand Security and Proctoring.
Save settings and publish.
Select Save Settings and Publish to publish the assessment.
Tip: When modifying the settings of an assessment that has already been published, only the Save and Cancel buttons will appear. Select Save.
Note: For more information on publishing assessments, see How do I publish an assessment (i.e., test or quiz)?