Loyola Support Documentation

How do students view assessment (i.e., test or quiz) feedback?

Updated on

Note: The availability of feedback and the type of feedback displayed will vary depending on the quiz settings specified by your instructor.

Select Tests & Quizzes.

select Tests & Quizzes

Select Tests & Quizzes from the site Tool Menu.

select Feedback

In the Submitted Assessments section, select the Feedback link for the assessment that you want to view.

Note: The assessment score, time spent, and date submitted will appear in the submitted assessment summary listing.

View assessment feedback.

Note: The types of feedback available will depend on the assessment settings configured by the instructor.

Correct answers are marked with a green checkmark.

correct answer noted by green checkmark

Correctly answered questions are denoted by a green checkmark. Note that this only applies to automatically-scored questions (e.g., multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank).

Incorrect answers are marked with a red X.

incorrect answer ntoed by red x

Incorrectly answered questions are denoted by a red X. Again, this only applies to automatically-scored questions (e.g., multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank).

Question-level grader comments.

grader comments appear beneath answer key

Grader comments (if applicable) show up below the question and answer key.

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