Loyola Support Documentation

How do I edit a draft assessment to update the questions from a question pool?

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Edit the questions in an exam that come from a question pool by retracting the exam, making edits, and the republishing the assessment.

Note: It is not recommended to modify an assessment while testing is in progress as it may cause loss of student data.

Note: You can only update the questions in the random draw for an unpublished copy. Questions in an assessment cannot be updated once the assessment is published.

Go to Tests & Quizzes.

Image of the Tests and Quizzes button

Select Tests & Quizzes from the site Tool Menu.

Select Edit.

Actions dropdown with Edit highlighted

Select Edit from the Actions dropdown for the draftassessment to modify.

Remember, you can only update the questions in the random draw for an unpublished copy of the assessment, since updating the question pool is essentially changing the questions included in the exam. See How do I edit a published assessment? for more information on retracting and republishing assessments.

In order to update the pool questions attached to an assessment, you will need to edit the Draft exam. If you need to edit the pool questions themselves, see What is a question pool?

Select Update Questions to update the question set with any recent changes made to the items within the question pool itself.

Image of the update questions button

Select the Update Questions button in the part containing questions from the question pool. This will update your assessment to include recent changes made to items within the question pool.

(The date when the questions were generated is included for your information, so that you can determine whether or not your question pool changes were made before or after the question set was generated.)

To change the number or point value of pool items, select Edit next to the pool question set.

Image of the Edit button for the pool question set

If you need to make any changes to the number of pool items selected, or the point settings for the pool, select Edit next to the part containing questions from the question pool.

Update the pool settings for the assessment.

Image of the pool settings for the assessment

Here you can update the question type, randomization options, and scoring options. For more information, see How do I set up a random question set?

Select Save.

Image of the Save button
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