Course site enrollment and user membership comes directly from LOCUS for Instructors and Students. To add special members, such as a Teaching Assistant or Librarian, an enrollment request must be submitted.
Project site enrollment is controlled and maintained at the discretion of the project site owners and therefore can use the steps that follow.
Note: Sakai does not destructively delete user data when removing users from a site. Therefore, if you remove a user from your site, and then later reinstate that user, all of the user's activity within the site will remain intact once you add the user back into the course or project.
Go to Site Info.

Select Site Info from the site Tool Menu.
Remove user(s).
- In the Remove column, select the checkbox in the row for the user(s) to remove from the site.
- Select Update Participants to remove the selected user(s).
Tip: You can remove all users from the site by checking the box at the top of the column right next to the Remove column header. However, be sure that you uncheck yourself so you don't remove your own access!