If your instructor has elected to make the Turnitin Similarity Report available to students for a Turnitin assignment, you may view the report and additional feedback that the instructor may have provided in the Turnitin Feedback Studio.
Select Assignments.

Select Assignments from the site Tool Menu.
Select the assignment title.

Select the title of the Turnitin assignment.
Alert: The assignment submission status must be Submitted or Returned, and the assignment Due Date must have passed, in order for students to view the Similarity Report.
Select the Turnitin flag.

Select the color-coded flag that appears to the right of Turnitin Report.
For more information about the color-coded Turnitin flags, see Interpreting the Similarity Report.
Alert: If an hourglass icon appears instead of a flag to the right of Turnitin Report, the Similarity Report for this assignment submission has not finished processing. Similarity Reports may take up to 48 hours after the assignment Due Date to generate.
Turnitin Feedback Studio launches.
The Turnitin Feedback Studio will launch in a new browser tab, and your assignment submission will display.
For more information on navigating the Turnitin Feedback Studio, please see The Similarity Report.