Access the Blogs Tool in Sakai

In the target Sakai course, select the Blogs tool from the Tool Menu.
Select Add blog entry

To add an entry to your blog, select the Add Blog Entry button in the actions bar. You will then see the Add A New Blog Entry screen.
Add a New Blog Entry screen displays
Type your entry in the text box.
- Give your blog entry a title in the Title field.
- You can include a picture by selecting the Insert / Edit Image icon.
- Select who can see your blog entry:
- Only site administrators and I can see this entry: only instructors and teaching assistants will be able to see your blog entry.
- All members of this site can see this entry: everyone associated with the course or project site will be able to see the entry, but no one else.
- This entry is publicly viewable: anyone can see your blog entry, if they have the web address (URL) for it. However, it is not easy for people to find a web address unless you tell them what it is!
- To publish the entry, select the Publish entry button.
Note: Depending on settings, teaching / administrative staff may be able to add entries to other people’s blogs.