Loyola Support Documentation

What is My Grades in the Account Menu?

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As an instructor, use My Grades to view your grading tasks across all sites in one place.

Select your profile icon.

select the profile icon

Select your profile icon to open the Account Menu.

Select My Grades.

select My Grades to reveal the grade items

Select My Grades to reveal grade items, which may be sorted using the dropdown menu.

As an instructor, use My Grades in the Account Menu for an aggregated view of ungraded items from all your sites. Use the View option to jump to an item within a site.

My Grades in the Account Menu shares information with My Grades in the Home Dashboard and My Grades in the Site Dashboard.

Jumping to items.

select the view icon to jump to that item in Sakai

Select the View icon associated with an item to jump to the site where the item, such as an individual assignment or column in Gradebook, is located.

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