The Email Archive tool allows site managers to specify an alias email address that functions similarly to a listserv for the site. Site users can send messages to the alias email address using their institutional email or any email platform. The alias email address is displayed near the top of page when site users open Email Archive.
- Email sent to the site email address is copied to the email addresses of all site users.
- All email messages sent to the site's email address are stored in the Email Archive.
- When sending messages to the site with the Email tool, senders can choose to also send the message to the Email Archive tool.
- Site users can use the Preferences tool in their Home area to choose how often they want to receive email from Email Archive.
Note that you cannot use Email Archive to send mail to specific site users or groups of users within the site. To do so, use either the Messages tool or the Email tool.
Go to Email Archive
Select the Email Archive tool from the Tool Menu of your site.