Go to Email Archive.

Select the Email Archive tool from the Tool Menu in your site.
Confirm that your account email is correct and that you're authorized to send email.

While viewing the List All area, confirm that your account is authorized to send email to Email Archive. In the example, the [email protected] email is authorized to do so.
A message will display if your account is not authorized to send email.

While viewing the List All area, the page will display the text, You are not authorized to send mail to this worksite if your account is not authorized to send email.
Locate the site email address.

While viewing the List All area, locate the site email address which follows the text, Email sent to the following address(es) will be archived and sent to participants. In the example, [email protected] is the site email address.
Send a message to the site email.
Use an email platform that's associated with your account email to send a message with the site email as addressee. This is commonly your institutional email platform.
Note that you cannot use Email Archive to send mail to specific site users or groups of users within the site. To do so, use either the Messages tool or the Email tool.