Bookmark an important topic that you wish to track using filters for bookmarked topics. Unlike pinning, your bookmarks will only appear to you and will not be available to other site participants. You can bookmark entire topics but not individual posts within topics.
Go to the Conversations tool.

Select Conversations from the site Tool Menu.
Select a topic.

Select a topic in the conversations area.
Select Bookmark.

In the topic area of the page, select BOOKMARK.
Verify the bookmarked topic.

A star icon (You've bookmarked this topic) displays near the title of the topic in the conversations area of the page.
Use filters to locate the bookmarked topic.

Once you've bookmarked a topic, use a filter to quickly navigate to it.
- Open the Filter menu near the top of the page.
- Select Filter: bookmarked

The bookmarked topic displays.
Remove a bookmark. (Optional)

To remove a bookmark from a topic, begin by clicking on the topic in the conversations area of the page.

In the topic area of the page, select UNBOOKMARK.