Loyola Support Documentation

How do I embed an image in a text box?

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Position the cursor.

Rich Text Editor box with cursor in text box

Position cursor in the text box where the image will be embedded.

Select the Insert/Edit Image icon.

Select the Insert/Edit Image button to display the image properties dialog box.

Select Browse Server.

Image Properties dialog box

Upload the image file.

Server Browser window with Resources folder located

Select the folder in which to store the image file (i.e., Resources) then select the Upload File icon.

Drop files or paste URLs or clipboard images.

Upload files dialog box

Or, Select files.

Upload files dialog box

An Open file window will appear.

Locate and select the image file on your computer.

Mac file picker

Locate the desired image file for upload, then select Open.

Select OK.

Selecting Open on your computer file picker returns to the file browser window. The uploaded file will be selected. Select OK to continue.

Modify image properties. (Optional)

Image properties dialog box with alternative text

Adjust the image width and height as needed and add alternative text for screen readers.

Set the Alignment.

Image properties dialog box with selected alignment

Set the Alignment (left, right, or center) for the image if you want to surround the image with text.

Select OK.

Image properties dialog box with alternative text

Selecting OK returns the display to the text box with the embedded image.

Example of additional text displayed next to a left-aligned image.

Left aligned image in text item
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