Loyola Support Documentation

How do I post a topic in Conversations?

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Select Conversations.

Conversations in site Tool Menu

Select the Conversations tool from the site Tool Menu. 

Select Create new topic.

Image of teh Create new topic button.

To post a new question or discussion, select Create new topic.

Select a topic type.

Image of topic types.

The default topic type is Question. Select Discussion post a discussion topic instead.

Tip: Responses to questions may be designated by the instructor as "correct." The Discussion topic type does not allow instructors to mark an answer as "correct."

Enter a title and details.

Image of the Title and Details fields.
  1. Type a summary of the topic content in the Title field.
  2. Type the full question or discussion prompt in the Details field. (Optional)

Tag the topic. (Optional)

Image of the Tag topic options.
  1. Select a tag from the Tag topic dropdown menu.
  2. Select Add.
  3. Select Edit tags for this course to add new tags.

Repeat this process to add additional tages.

Note: For more information regarding the management of Conversations tags, see How do I create tags for my course in Conversations?

Configure topic settings.

Image of Conversation topic settings.

Configure additional settings for the topic.

  1. Post to: Select which site members may view the post. Selecting Only members of selected groups reveals a list of groups in the site.
  2. Availability: Specify whether the topic should display immediately. Selecting Specific dates reveals the options to Show, Lock and/or Hide the topic on specific dates.
  3. Due Date:  Select the checkbox to assign a due date for the topic. Selecting this checkbox opens a calendar-picker and the option to accept late responses.
  4. Post options:  Select the checkboxes to enable additional options, including pinning the topic to the top of the list, hiding the author's name on the topic, allowing students to reply to the topic anonymously, and/or requiring students to reply to the topic before viewing other replies.

Select Publish.

Select Publish.

Select Publish to post the topic to Conversations. Alternatively, select Save as Draft to save the topic as an unpublished draft.

Topic appears.

Image of published Conversations.

When published, the new topic appears in the Conversations tool.

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