LUMEN is the main content delivery site for SSOM courses and clerkships. The site is organized by year, with courses/clerkship homepages listed below the appropriate year.
Course Activities
Select Course Activities to the right of any course name to see a list of lectures and small group sessions for the course and access the associated materials: PDF, PPS, Obj, Handout, CAI, and Video/Audio fields. When you are on campus, non-video files will open without a login. When you are off campus, a login is required to access files. Lecture videos recorded on campus will always require your LUC credentials.
Use the links above the list of sessions to access materials from previous academic years.
Select the Calendar link next to one of the years (First Year, Second Year, etc.) to see a calendar view of all activities scheduled for that class year. Click the Calendar link to the right of individual courses to see the calendar view for just that course.
Use the Day, Week, Month and Month (list) options to change the calendar display.
Use the Filter By Event Type section to change the type of events displayed on the calendar.
Subscribe to SSOM Google Calendar
Select the Subscribe to SSOM Google Calendar button above the list of events. This will provide a list of all current courses. Copy the link for each course and paste it into your personal Google calendar to download course sessions into your calendar. Session materials will also be available from your calendar once you have added the course link(s).