Loyola Support Documentation

How do I navigate the Evaluation System tool?

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The Evaluation System tool contains 6 different sections:

Evaluation system tabs
  1. Evaluations Dashboard: The dashboard contains quick links to evaluations that are in progress now, recently closed evaluations, and pending evaluations. To get started with evaluations, first create a template. Instructors  will use their templates as the basis for all the evaluations they send out. After creating a template, select Start Evaluation.
  2. My Evaluations: This section displays a user's past, present, and upcoming evaluations.
  3. My Templates: This section contains a user's templates that they may use to create evaluations. In order to create an evaluation, users must start with a template.
  4. My Items: These are questions that have been used in building previous templates (if applicable).
  5. My Scales: These are scales available for instructors to use in items. They can add, edit, preview, and copy scales.
  6. My Email Templates: Email Templates that have been created by the system administrator (NOTE: None currently available).