Loyola Support Documentation

What is the Preferences tool?

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In Home, you can set preferences for how often you receive email notifications of site activity, set your time zone, and select your language. You can also hide sites from your list of active sites.

Go to Preferences.

Select the Preferences tool from the Home Tool Menu.


To customize your notification settings, select the Notifications tab from the Actions Menu.

Select notification preferences.

You can choose one of the following [generally paraphrased] options for low priority email notifications in the Announcements, Assignments, Resources and Drop Box, Email Archive, Syllabus, and Tests & Quizzes tools.

  • Do not send me [notifications].
  • Send me one email per day [summarizing all notifications].
  • Send me each notification [separately]. (Default setting)

If you change any of these settings, select Update Preferences to save your changes.

Note: These settings only apply to low priority items. High priority items will still be sent via email regardless of your settings here.

Time Zone

To set your local time zone, select the Time Zone tab.

Choose your time zone.

1. Select your local time zone from the list,
2. Then, choose Update Preferences.


To set your preferred language, select the Language tab from the Actions Menu.

Choose your language.

Select your preferred language from the list, and then select Update Preferences.


The Sites tab allows you to select your preferred site tab display format, as well as hide sites from the site drawer.

Site Tab Display Format

Select either Site Title or Site Short Description as the display format for the site tabs in the site navigation bar at the top of the screen.

Hiding Sites

To hide one or more of your active sites, select the Sites tab.

Hidden sites will show up in your list of all enrolled sites in tools such as Worksite Setup and Membership; however, they do not appear in the top navigation bar or in your Sites drawer.

Note: Hidden Sites are still active in the system, and are still available to other enrolled users regardless of individual site display preferences.

Select the sites you want to hide, then select Update Preferences.


This tab allows you to set your preference for the Rich Text Editor toolbar throughout the system.

Choose your editor preference, then select Update Preferences.


Select the Theme tab from the Actions Menu.

Choose your Theme preference.

  1. Select the radio button corresponding to the display theme for your Sakai experience.
  2. Select Update Preferences to apply changes.