Loyola Support Documentation

How do I add a Labster simulation link to Lessons?

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Instructors may configure Labster simulations through Sakai Assignments or Sakai Lessons. For seamless passing of grades from Labster to the Sakai Gradebook, adding Labster via Lessons is highly recommended. Follow these instructions to create a Labster simulation link through Lessons.

Warning: Labster simulation links, when copied from one course to another via Import from Site, will only be functional if  an instructor also adds at least one additional simulation link to the destination course. Otherwise, simulation links should not be imported and should instead be added 'from scratch' to new courses.

Select Lessons.

Select Lessons.

In the target Sakai site, select Lessons.

Select Add Content.

Select Add Content

Select Add Content from the Actions Menu.

Select Add Learning App.

Select add learning app

In the Add Content dialog box, select Add Learning App.

Select Labster US.

select Labster US

Select Labster US.

Select Launch External Tool Configuration.

Select launch external tool configuration

Select the "Launch External Tool Configuration" link.

Select Add to course.

Select Add to course

Locate the desired simulation. Select Add to course.

link appears in Lessons

The simulation link appears on the Lessons page.

Note: If the Gradebook tool exists in the course, a Gradebook item is automatically created upon adding a Labster simulation link to Lessons. Students' best attempt scores for the simulation will automatically appear in that Gradebook item.