Loyola Support Documentation

How do I upload files to Resources?

Updated on

Select Resources.

Select Resources

In the target Sakai site, select the Resources tool from the Tool Menu.

Select Actions, then Choose Upload Files.

Select Actions and choose Upload Files from the menu
  1. To the right of the destination folder, select the Actions dropdown menu.
  2. Choose Upload Files.

If no folders exist in the site yet, use the site's root folder (bearing the name of the site) to add files.

Drag and drop files.

Drag and drop your file into the box

Users may drag files from their computers (e.g., Desktop, Documents) and drop them in the box labeled Drop files to upload, or click here to browse.

This will display thumbnails of the files that will be uploaded (as shown in the image above).

Or browse your computer for files.

Or, select Drop file to upload to browse for the file

Alternatively, select the Drop files to upload, or click here to browse button. This will open the Finder or Explorer window where users can browse for and select the file.

Select Continue.

Select Continue

Select Continue to upload the file.

File displays in Resources.

The file displays in Resources

The file is now located inside the selected Resources folder.