Loyola Support Documentation

How does bookmarking work in Conversations?

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In Conversations, all users have the ability to bookmark topics they wish to track. Using the Conversations left-hand topics list, users can filter posts to display only those they have bookmarked. This is a separate feature from pinning, which allows instructors to pin individual topics to the top of the Conversations left-hand navigation menu.

Note: Individual answers or comments cannot be bookmarked; only topics can be bookmarked.

Bookmark a topic.

select Bookmark

Users can bookmark any topic once it has been published. Upon selecting a topic in the left-hand list, the post and its comments will appear in the right-hand display column. Below the text of the initial post, select Bookmark.

Locate bookmarked topics.

select the filter manu and choose unbookmarked

Bookmarked posts will have a star icon appear on the right of every topic preview in the left-hand list. To easily find bookmarked topics, use the Filter dropdown menu above the left-hand topics list. From the Filter dropdown menu, choose Filter: bookmarked to show only bookmarked topics.

Unbookmark a topic.

select unbookmark

Upon selecting a topic in the left-hand list, the post and its comments will appear in the right-hand display column. Below the text of the initial post, select Unbookmark.