Loyola Support Documentation

What is Turnitin?

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Turnitin Originality is a service used as part of Loyola's effort to uphold academic integrity by checking student submissions against other works across institutions, publications, and public content within the Turnitin database. Submissions that are reviewed against the Turnitin database will generate a Similarity Report with a score and details in respect to its similarity to other existing content. Through this process, Turnitin detects possible attempts of plagiarism in student submissions.

The Turnitin Originality checker is integrated into the Sakai Assignments tool for use in reviewing file submissions from students. To enable Turnitin for an assignment, simply check the box to "Use Turnitin" when creating an assignment folder. 

As students submit to a Sakai assignment folder with Turnitin enabled, Turnitin will generate a report that indicates the percentage of original content within a submission. Please note that a Turnitin report takes some time to process and reports will not be immediately available upon submission.

Turnitin is available in any Sakai course site Assignments tool and does not require a special request.