Loyola Support Documentation

What is the Tests & Quizzes User Activity Report?

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The User Activity Report in Tests & Quizzes displays a list of all assessment submissions for a specific student, including submissions that are no longer available.

Select Tests & Quizzes.

select t&q

In the target Sakai site, select Tests & Quizzes from the Tool Menu.

Select User Activity Report.

select user activity report

Select User Activity Report from the Actions Menu.

Choose a student.

choose a student

Choosing a student from the Filter by Student dropdown menu will display the User Activity Report data for that specific user.  

View student assessment activity.

user activity report displays

The assessment Title, Assessment ID, Submit Date, Percentage, and Score/Total Points will be displayed for all of the assessments the selected student has taken.

Selecting the title of the assessment on a report line will display the individual student submission.